Pamphlet collections online

Libraries and archives are currently archiving government documents, photographs, websites and oral histories on the topic of COVID-19. The stored information should give future generations insight on the impact the pandemic has had and how government and society responded. During late Medieval times and the following centuries photographs nor websites existed. There were, however, pamphlets.* According to Encyclopaedia Britannica a pamphlet is: "an unbound publication that is not a periodical and contains no fewer than 5 and no more than 48 pages". Pamphlets were the websites of the pre-digital age. They were important means of public debates on social, economic and political issues. Therefore pamphlets are interesting sources to use in historic research. I have listed online resources that offer pamphlets. Some are paid databases that UvA students and researchers have access to. Others are freely available via the internet.  

∎ = free internet site (open access) 

European countries

  • Europeana  (search on: pamphlet) 
  • Sixteenth Century Pamphlets Online
    Topics include: 
    • German and Latin pamphlets printed in the Holy Roman Empire. 
    • Pamphlets from the years between 1501 to 1530 about the early reformation movement, the Peasants War and divers Western European conflicts.
    • Pamphlets from the years between: 1531 to 1600 about revolt of the Netherlands, persecution of French protestants, Turkish wars, witch hunting, anti-Jewish polemics etc 

  • French political pamphlets (HBLL) 
    L. Tom Perry Special Collections at Brigham Young University. Over 2100 pamphlets published between 1547 and 1626. 
  • Newberry French Revolution Collection Pamphlets 
    From Internet Archive. The collection primarily consists of material published between 1780 and 1810 from the French Revolution Collection (FRC), the Louis XVI Trial and Execution Collection, and several smaller collections of French Revolution era material. It charts the political, social, and religious history of the French Revolution.


United Kingdom

United States

UvA CataloguePlus and pamphlets
If you are looking for research that used pamphlets, search in our CataloguePlus for instance on the words: Pamphlet AND "Dutch revolt" 
Or search more widely for collections on pamphlets by using the term: collection AND pamphlet

If you have other interesting online resources on pamphlets, please let me now and I will add them to the list!

* Image shown in this post is the title page of the pamphlet:
Wonderlijcke School-houdinghe van Mr. Jan van Olden Bernevelt, met de aenwiisinge op die figuyren (1807) Source: Alard Pierson Beeldbank


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