Kanopy: video streaming platform

This week I got a request for a specific documentary that was needed for a course lecture. Especially in these Corona times, the need for online access to information is huge. You can share movies and documentaries via links that can be found in several resources. The UvA Library also recently agreed with Kanopy, a video streaming platform. As a lecturer you can search for movies or documentaries for your courses on this platform and -when available- make a request to the library to purchase access to it for either one or for three years.* 

How does it work?
  • Go to: https://uvanl.kanopy.com and login with your UVA account
    You will see an overview of movies/documentaries that are currently available for all UvA staff and students. 
  • Use the search box to find a specific movie/documentary. Or search generally via browse and select for instance HISTORY
  • Click on the item and fill in the online request form for the UvA library to purchase the access to it. 
Send me an e-mail if a specific movie or documentary is not available on the platform. The Library can request Kanopy if it is possible for them to purchase it. 

How do I know when access expires? 
Like e-books, the accessible movies and documentaries will also be included in CataloguePlus with the expiration date. 

Other resources
There are other resources (besides general platforms, such as youtube or vimeo) where you can find audiovisual materials:

Other audiovisual material can be found in our CataloguePlus > Advanced [search]
Go to Material Type and select: Video/Film

∎ = open access

* the photograph for this blog was taken by me at the Eye Archive/Library in 2018.

UPDATE: 24-10-2023
2700 titles from the BBC have recently been added to Kanopy platform. 


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