Puttin' it in context - Ukraine and Russia

"The first casualty of war is the truth", a famous quote from 1918 that is attributed to US Senator Hiram Warren Johnson. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia seems no exception to his statement. Plots on Russia, Ukraine's ties with the EU, Russian historic claims on Ukraine. Topics dominating current news and social media. At the History Library in PC Hoofthuis we wanted to draw attention to the context of these events by putting together a display on recent academic publications on the history of Ukraine and Russia. Although it is -by far- not a complete overview of all literature available at the UvA, it does provide significant historical insights to understand the motives of countries and people involved in the conflict. Therefore the literature serves as an antidote to false assumptions that end up in fake news. 

All books on display can be borrowed, except for the five main books on the table. The display Puttin' it in context - Academic research on the history of Ukraine and Russia will be shown until at least the 8th of April 2022. See also our Instagram clip on the displayed books. 

Law Library
If you are interested in legal literature and information on the topic, then have a look at the blogpost from our colleagues of the Law Library at the University of Amsterdam. 

The Historic display is organized by: Sofie RouwLaetitia HamelSaskia Speur and me.


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